The experience that changed my life was traveling in Morocco.
Yearly stays in Mexico has become the source of my imagery and colors.
The most enlightening experience was being in Paris.
The most enthralling time was 2 years in Athens, GA, working on my Master of Fine Arts in Painting at The University of Georgia. (thank you Gil DeMeza)
The most challenging period in my life and still is: living in New York City and being an artist here.
The favored author I've recently read is Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The experience that changed my life was traveling in Morocco.
Yearly stays in Mexico has become the source of my imagery and colors.
The most enlightening experience was being in Paris.
The most enthralling time was 2 years in Athens, GA, working on my Master of Fine Arts in Painting at The University of Georgia. (thank you Gil DeMeza)
The most challenging period in my life and still is: living in New York City and being an artist here.
The favored author I've recently read is Fyodor Dostoevsky.